Hey, everyone!
To increase transparency during the rollout of ClickUp 3.0, we will be providing regular updates here in the Canny Changelog. Zeb has created a few videos on this in our Facebook Community and we are going to bring those updates here.
Our goal for July was to ship ClickUp 3.0 to 25,000 more users, and we have exceeded that number. We are now on track to ship ClickUp 3.0 to approximately 44,000 users by the end of this month!
We are spending time iterating and refining ClickUp 3.0 based on customer feedback, and we are now in a position to release it more widely.
We are also excited to announce that we will soon be introducing Task Types and a personal list in Home to users on ClickUp 3.0.
The next phase of the rollout will begin in August, and we will provide another update here on the status in the upcoming weeks.
In addition to the product experience, our 3.0 infrastructure improvements will be shipped as the next priority. This will bring faster speed, improved reliability, no need for refreshing, and real-time updates.
Thank you for your patience and your feedback!
For more details and Zeb's past ClickUp 3.0 updates, please see the videos below: