Update available custom Dropdown / Label options via ClickUp API
Luca Pasquini
I saw that there's the possibility to update/delete a custom field value from ClickUp API, but there's no chance to edit/update the options of a dropdown.
That's my use case:
- I have another platform with its own list of users, that increase on a daily base
- I have a ClickUp list, with a custom field that holds the user to whom the task is related
- I wish that the custom field was a dropdown, restricting the access only to the existing users, but cannot mantain it manually whenerever a new user is added on the other platform
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Julie Babin
Hi, Can we have an update on this? From Zapier to ClickUp I am trying to feed a Custom Field Dropdown, it doesn't work.
Karen Keyes
Can anyone provide an update on this?
Brenno Vicario Nicolau
I really miss this functionality! Until this endpoint is available, we will have to manually update the options, increasing dramatically the chances of errors and reducing the time that could be spent on other activities.
We desperately need more votes on this functionality to convince ClickUp to pursue it!
Shephard Warlock
Unable to move my data over. I have over 200 unique values to add to dropdowns. And while we are at it, please add the option to have the platform automatically generate assign random colors to the options.
James Armstrong
Oh dear. Just stumbled across this. Want to tag stories with the releases that they are going out in (which can be multiple). Please consider this another +1.
Giovane Caon
I am in great need of this! to dynamically mark the UTMs of the campaign that brought the lead when registering, and to be able to view the data in dashboards.
Alex Bowsher
Any update on this? Could really use it. Zach - ClickUp
Christophe Hamerlik
I can't say moore than what has been said before. We have an Entreprise plan, we do need (we must) to be able to add/remove dropdown value using the API, else ClickUp CAN NOT be used with any CRM as it's IMPOSSIBLE de sync any company or contact. That's a pity, and a shame to see suh a request opened for 3 years.
ClickUp team : how do you expect we, as paying users (Entreprise), work with ClickUp as part of our IT ecosystem if you can't enable this feature ?
Please, provide a way to, or a workaround, this is an extreme urgency before we stop our Entreprise subscription.
Christophe Hamerlik
And please, correct your API documentation where it's said that for dropdown the body of the API endpoint can be set using "value: xxxx"
Any serious timeline for when we can expect news on this request?
This is very ver urgent request and i think it will be small change on the api for custom fields
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