Allow creating or editing of recurring tasks via API
From support: It would be nice if there was API functionality for recurring tasks in general.
In this specific case we would like to see the ability to edit already existing recurring tasks via the API.
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Thomas Baumgartner
This would indeed be helpful for a migration to ClickUp which I am preparing. I was able to map everything (descriptions, assignees, due dates, custom fields, etc.), except for the recurring options.
Eric Wightman
Merged in a post:
Create recurring tasks with API
Asaf Moshe
Add the ability to define recurrence when creating a task with the API
Today I've got an error that task has recurring and due date vas set for week from now, but due date should be today. All my recurring task in ClickUP are managing from our main corporate program. It would be much less problems with due date and recurring due date settings if recurring settings would be available from API for managing from another program.
Juan Pablo Egido Castellanos
Sergey: Recurring tasks can be managed via API?
Rob Pitt
I want the ability to read and create too.
Juan Pablo Egido Castellanos
Rob Pitt: This is possible?