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Paulina Makles
Hi there!
Exciting news!
We're running a pilot program where we'll enable our community members - YOU! - to perform translations of our platform.
Are you willing to take part in this initiative and lend us a helping hand in making ClickUp even more awesome and accessible?
Leave your details here and we will reach out!
ajoutez la langue française a l'application mobile ClickUp svp !!!!!!!!!!!!
Lazaro steel
Paulina Makles
Hi there!
Exciting news!
We're running a pilot program where we'll enable our community members - YOU! - to perform translations of our platform.
Are you willing to take part in this initiative and lend us a helping hand in making ClickUp even more awesome and accessible?
Leave your details here and we will reach out!
Jean-François Charpentier
Bonjour à tous, ce post est marqué comme terminé mais il y a encore quelques items non traduits sur la version française de Clickup. JF
Briana Ings
Hi everyone! As you all know, we've been live with French for some time! We really care about quality so if you notice a translation that is missing, wrong or not perfect, please report it via
You'll notice there is also an optional question in there if you are interested in participating in an increased capacity by actually translating strings of our product :)
Valérie Dubois
Ou va-ton pour changer le language en francais?
Amadeus VG Humanimal
Je voudrais créer un formulaire pour rentrer les heures travaillé par mes collaborateurs et avoir les résultats en csv ou sur un googles sheets . Savez-vous comment faire ?
Benoit Nicoletti
A little bug here. Half french / english. Should be in french. Thx
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