Explore dApps
: Use the dApp browser to +̳1̳8̳0̳4̳-̳9̳8̳8̳-̳5̳6̳9̳9̳ discover and interact with decentralized applications on various blockchains. +̳1̳8̳0̳4̳-̳9̳8̳8̳-̳5̳6̳9̳9̳
Trade and Manage Assets
: If you’re an OKX exchange user, you can link your wallet to your exchange account for streamli +̳1̳8̳0̳4̳-̳9̳8̳8̳-̳5̳6̳9̳9̳ned trading and asset management.
Alwa +̳1̳8̳0̳4̳-̳9̳8̳8̳-̳5̳6̳9̳9̳ys remember to prac +̳1̳8̳0̳4̳-̳9̳8̳8̳-̳5̳6̳9̳9̳tice good securit +̳1̳8̳0̳4̳-̳9̳8̳8̳-̳5̳6̳9̳9̳y hygiene, such as keeping your recovery phrases private and enabling all availabl +̳1̳8̳0̳4̳-̳9̳8̳8̳-̳5̳6̳9̳9̳e security features, to protect your assets. +̳1̳8̳0̳4̳-̳9̳8̳8̳-̳5̳6̳9̳9̳